Sunday, November 1, 2015

28 October 2015 - The Tiger Fan's Journey to Utah

Hello, hello!

This was an awesome week for my companion and me! We were able to find two new investigators to teach, we taught them about the restoration and it went really well. We committed them to read the Book Of Mormon and to pray to know if what we have taught them is true. I'm looking forward to seeing them again! 

Another cool thing happened—a member returning to church activity received the Melchizedek Priesthood and was able to come to give a blessing with us last night at the hospital.  He did an awesome job; he was a little nervous but the spirit was so strong and I know he said what the Lord wanted him to say. 

Things are really starting to pick up for us. We have been committed to teach the restoration at least 5 times a day. So far it's going alright.  It's hard to find people home early in the morning and now that it is getting dark earlier, it's harder to go tracting. But nevertheless, we continue to do what we can to serve the Lord. 

On Saturday, my companion and I (with some other Elders) helped three individuals move.  We started at 8:30 am and by the time we got done with all the moves, it was 6:30 pm.  It was a crazy long day and my body was a little tired that night, but we had a lot of fun doing it and there is nothing better than service. 

The weather is getting colder and all the Halloween stuff is up around town, it's pretty cool to see!

Mumsy’s Questions:

1) No Mom, I don't get tired of your questions..only when you ask me the same ones but even then I just laugh a little bit and reply =)

2)Transfers calls will be next Thursday, I believe, so the actual transfer will be the following Friday or Saturday. This transfer period is flying by…holy cow, time goes faster and faster everyday!

3) Ah yes..the tiger fan. I thought I would leave you all in suspense so that when you saw it, it would be even more awesome than you had pictured.  Backstory…we were helping a lady move a while back and while she was going through her things, this fan was discovered.  Of course, we had to open it and all started laughing.  Seems all of the other Elders wanted it because of how "great" it was.  The owner, in her wonderful southern accent, said, “Oh my!  Ain’t that just the most beautiful fan you have ever seen?!?”  All of us replied, "Yeah..beautiful..that's certainly how we would describe it." She then said, "Would Ya'll want it?" I said, "Well I don't want to take it from you if it has some sort of sentimental value." She said, "Oh Honey! I haven't looked at that thing in years! You go ahead and take it." I was wondering what I was going to do with it and thought  well maybe I can send it home, so when another member family showed up and offered to transport it on their trip to Utah, I gratefully took them up on their offer.

Well, I love you all tons have a great week!

Elder Erik

Sunday, October 11, 2015

5 October 2015 - Fishers of Bluegill, fishers or men, four is the new five.


This was a rather slow week for my companion and I, but there were a lot of cool things that happened as well. On Monday for P-Day, we got to go fishing with a member, and that was a ton of fun. I caught five fish, most of them Bluegill. I tried for large mouth bass (see, bass! a shoutout to you Animal Crossing players) and catfish, but I couldn't seem to get any luck trying those. 

This week was also a little crazy with transfers going on and such. It was fun because I got to see Elder Eastin, whom I had previously served with. He stayed with my companion and I and we did a lot of catching up and reminiscing, he finished up his mission so we also got to drop him off at the mission office and to say good-bye to some other Elders that we knew from the SDRCM. Most of the elders that I know are going home; it was a little hard to say good-bye (and felt a little strange) but I'm glad that they get to go home and move forward with their lives. 

General Conference was great! I loved being able to sustain three new apostles and to hear them speak. Though the passing of the other three was sad too see, I'm grateful God has called three new men to help lead and guide his church. I sustain them with all my heart and I know that they are men called of God. My favorite talk was by Elder Renland.  To me, he seems very humble and fits the description of what an apostle is. I'm looking forward to hearing more from him. 

Last Tuesday, my companion and I met someone who, I believe, may be the most interesting man in the world. He was an older fellow with a long scraggly beard, from the deep south.  At first, or at quick glance, you would likely think he is homeless. He called us over and we began to talk to him.   He proceeded to tell us about all of his adventures and what he had been doing for most of his life (now, I'm not sure how much of his story was true) —going to different countries all over the world and seeking out as much knowledge he could about God. He also told us that he "Goes around seeking out all the fake Christ's, Enoch's, and Elijah's." He “defeats them using scriptures and other stuff.“ Anyway, he was telling us that he has found 5 people (as he held up 4 fingers) who he believes could really be those men. I thought that was rather funny and it was pretty crazy to hear all the stories that he told us. Now, he could have been just a crazy guy from the south, but even if he was, it was still an awesome experience. One of those times that I probably won't forget and a journal entry of a life time.

Mumsy’s Questions:
  1. Yup! We watched conference in the homes of three different members. 
  2. Overall yes, I’m enjoying the city more than the really small town when it comes to missionary work..although there are some things I miss about not being in a small town.

Well, it's good to hear that Jacob made it home safely! I really enjoyed the picture they sent me, I'm looking forward to the day that I can reunite with the Anderson's and share my stories with Jacob. Hey, I was wondering if you ever finished sewing those slacks? Suit season is almost here! Well, love you guys…have a great week!

Elder Rasmussen

Monday, October 5, 2015

28 Sept 2015 - "Ras and Fergie"

Hello Everyone!

This past week was a pretty good one for my companion and me. We were able to find a new investigator, whom we talked with about the restoration. It was a great lesson, she committed to read the Book of Mormon and Pray about it and Joseph Smith. We are planning on meeting with her this Saturday to follow up. I think It's going to be an awesome lesson. 

We have been working really hard on weeding out all the good people who have moved from the ward but are still on the directory.  We have had some great encounters and some not so great ones. We have driven probably 60 miles or so just trying to find people, but it has been really good for our companionship. It keeps us busy and we have lots of time to talk and think about what we can do to improve the area. 

I'm excited for General Conference next week where we get to hear from a living prophet of God, and his counselors.  This week is going to be an interesting week, I think. It is transfer week and a lot of the missionaries that I know are going home. I'm starting to turn into an "old missionary,” which seems really odd because it seemed like forever I was always the one who had been out the least amount of time. My trainer (Elder Johnson) and another companion I served with (Elder Eastin) both go home. It will be sad to see them go, but I'm excited for them to go home and start school or whatever it is that they are doing.

Mumsy’s Questions:
  1. No, I'm not expecting anything to happen with my companionship this transfer. I’ll probably stay here with “Fergie”…that’s what I call Elder Ferguson. I don't know how he feels about it, but I have some members also calling him that so it's kind of fun. Although you never know with transfers, so it’s always a bit exciting.  
  2. I do miss playing games actually. I don't have a ton of time to think about them but when I do it's normally kind of like, "Oh man, it would be fun to sit down and play that right now and then take a nap!…oh well.” Then I start working again.
  3. Probably watching Conference it at a member's home or the church.

Thanks for letting me know that Taylor is engaged. How exciting for him! She sounds like a good gal. I'm excited to meet all the new peeps when I get home. Speaking of which, Jacob gets home on Wednesday.  As I mentioned previously, this week will probably be a bit hard for me knowing that he is home but oh well, I'm happy for him and hope he has fun! If you see him, say hello for me! 

Well I love you all! Have a great week!

Love, Elder Rasmussen

Sunday, September 27, 2015

21 September 2015 - 500 Since 2004


Everything out here in Omaha is great! Elder Ferguson and I are doing well. The weather has been absolutely beautiful; fall is just around the corner..the leaves have started changing and some trees are already dead. 

It's crazy that General Conference is just around the felt like not too long ago it was April and we were all waiting for that Conference to start. I'm excited once again to hear the words our living prophet, and the other men that have been called of God. We have been doing a lot of work with the ward members lately and have been trying to help them in every way that we can. We know that members are the most important part of missionary work and that they are the ones who are the best at finding those who are ready to be taught. We as missionaries are simply here to help the ward in their missionary work. 

The members out here are great! I'm glad that I have the opportunity to serve with them. Now that all has settled down from the E.T., my companion and I are working really hard to keep the work progressing in this area as best we can. We have been doing a lot of finding mainly through less-active members and former investigators. We found a huge book full of people that have been contacted in the past and we counted over 500 people that have been taught since 2004 (that was the earliest record we found).  Many of the people don't even live in the same house or the phone number doesn't work or has been transferred to someone else, but it always makes for an interesting conversation and a good way to share the gospel when you walk up to a door looking for someone and they haven't lived there in years.

Answers to Mumsy's Questions:

 1) Elder Ferguson is from Lancaster California, He has been out for 9 months..the first companionship I've had where I have been out longer, but that may likely be the case from now on.   I actually met him when he first came out back in January  at the Mission Home in South Dakota. He has grown a lot since then and has lost a lot of weight. If you would have asked me, I wouldn't have necessarily guessed that we would get along so well, but I think he will likely end up being one of my favorites so far.

2) As Dad predicted, I pretty much just hit the pillow and I'm gone in like 5 minutes. Some nights it still takes a little while, but  for the most part I'm asleep very quickly...unless my companion starts to make this really weird clicking sound that he does.  I don't even know how to describe it over an email, I'll have to show you an example when we chat at Christmas.  Apparently all his companions have confronted him about it, but he brought it up with me. I didn't say anything about it until he asked.

Yeah, Jacob goes home soon..I'm a little sad because it always feels like I'm behind him and Austin. I just hope that when he goes home next week, that I won't get too trunky.  Ha!  I think it will be a rough week for me honestly, but hopefully I'll get over it quickly.  I'm really excited to be able to see Jacob and Austin when I get home, I have been missing them a lot lately. 

Well, have a fantastic week.  I hear that Cort is about to get married or something like that? ;) haha. I don't know why, but most members say they can see me getting married within 8 months of coming home.  I can't see it, but whatever! 

Have a great week; love ya!

14 September 2015 - Goodbye, Blendtec!

 Hello Everyone!

So this week was a crazy one. First off, my Companion, Elder Hansen, got E.T. (Emergency Transferred) out to McCook Nebraska which is way out west. Goodbye, Blendtec!  My new companion, Elder Ferguson, had a seizure and needed to be closer to more sophisticated medical facilities instead of being out in the boonies. It was a long trip for me on Thursday...four hours to get there and and another four hours back. So that was most of our day that Thursday.  

Elder Ferguson and I are getting a long great. I don't know what it is with me, but I have been part of several E.T's. while I've been out, none because of either my companion or me, but rather some other missionary that has had something happen. At least this time I stayed in my same area. 

Sad news, the investigator that we thought was doing so well dropped us last night. He said he is more of a "non-denominational kind of guy" Which, I guess if that's where he feels closest to God that's where he should go. It's always hard to see someone go after you have been teaching them for awhile. I wish the best for him and this upcoming week is going to be full of more "finding" activities for us. We said goodbye to a lot of our investigators that were not progressing or wanting to make commitments. I hope that in the future, when other missionaries find them, or they interact with members of the church, that they will be more ready to commit. 

Other than all that transfer stuff, not a whole lot has happened. People are still nice to us at the door even though BYU beat Nebraska in the game. I was worried that people wouldn't like us to much after that but it seems like they have gotten over it for the most part. ;)

To answer mom's question, all the food here has been really good. I haven't had any weird foods since Sheridan,  surprisingly.  And as for the winters here, I'm told are not nearly as bad as the ones out in Minnesota or South Dakota; they say there isn't a lot of wind so I'm expecting more mild conditions, I should be fine.

Love you guys!

Elder Rasmussen

Sunday, September 13, 2015

7 September 2015 - Bishop that you?!?

Hello Everyone!

We had another great week. Elder Hansen and I found a new investigator who is rather unique. He has mixed views on religion and considers himself to be Jewish-Christian, mixed with a little Jehovah's Witness. It's kind of unusual, but we hope that he will progress well.  Another one of our investigators came to church again this last Sunday, and even bore his testimony! It was awesome! 

The BYU / Nebraska game was a pretty huge thing here; tracting was useless that day because everyone was getting ready to watch the game and didn't want to be disturbed. We actually got permission to watch the game (in a member's home) provided we earned the perk by memorizing and passing off 12 new scriptures.  I can say that it was well worth it.  The last play just about blew everyone's mind.  We watched the game in the home of some big Nebraska fans so when that happened all the missionaries went crazy and the family sat there in shock--it was pretty funny.  

We also were able to attend a fireside that the BYU football players put on. While there, I was able to see our former bishop, Chuck Anderson, from back home! It was a weird but great feeling and almost didn't didn't seem real because you never expect to see someone from home while you are out serving a mission.  It felt almost dream-like, but very cool to see him there.   It felt great to be able to talk to him and to see how the ward was doing. I'm really enjoying my time out here!

Answers for mumsy...

1) Yes, I did get a card from Uncle Jim and Aunt Jillynn...tell them thank you!
2) Do I still fold my ears over?...yes, I do, though it's actually something that I'm trying not to do anymore because I don't want my ears to be super droopy when I'm like 50. It's a hard habit to break because sometimes I do it without even noticing.

Tell Uncle Bob I hope he feels better soon, I don't like to hear that he's not feeling well.  I look forward to seeing everyone again at next year's Iron County Fair and I hope that you all had fun this year! 

Well, love you all! Have a great week.

Elder Rasmussen

Friday, September 4, 2015

31 August 2015 - The Awesomeness Continues!

We have had an awesome week here in Omaha! We had a wonderful experience with an investigator the other day. We had another lesson with him after not seeing him for 2 months and shared a message about the Plan of Salvation. We then Invited him to church and he came! He stayed for all three hours and said he really enjoyed it! We are going to meet with him again this week sometime soon! We are hoping to invite him to be baptized since he said he is "on board" with everything that we are teaching.  We believe our next lesson should be the one for the invitation.
There is a member family in our ward who was re-activated about a year ago; the family is now currently working toward going to the temple and being sealed as a family.  We are so excited for them and the progress they are making. We had the opportunity to go to the temple this last week. It is amazing, the spirit you can feel when you go to the temple.  Our mission president and his wife were there with us and we had a great time. This is the second time I have been to the temple since being in the Omaha mission.  It was really hard to go to the temple in the Rapid City Mission unless you were right in Bismark, but most of the missionaries here are able to go to the temple several times while serving in the mission.

Jacob is really excited to be going home and so is Austin; they have been talking about it a lot now that he only has like just a few weeks to go now.  I'm happy for their reunion, but I try not to think about it too much 'cause I have more than just a few weeks to go.  Ha!  
I'm a little sad to see summer go but not sad to see the temps go. It has been one hot, humid summer.  The locals say that it starts snowing about the end of October, mid November here, with one early snow fall that goes away quickly because it warms up again, so we will see.

Woah! Cort has a legit love life now?!?! He hasn't written me in like three months so I don't hear anything from him...neither has Noah.  I guess Caitlin really does love me the most..(don't get your hopes too high Caitlin!) HAHA! 
To Mumsy...yes, I was actually just thinking about the "What's New Pussycat?" song the other day as I was petting a member's cat! And yes, I remember that episode of Fresh Prince where Tom Jones made a guest made me laugh super hard!
I'm a little sad that I will miss the Labor Day festivities in PTown, but glad to know that I can be there next year...kind of crazy that this is my last "holiday season" as a missionary.
Love you guys...have fun!!
-Elder Rasmussen